Facial Paralysis

Description: A total loss of voluntary muscle movement of one side of the face.

Persons most commonly affected: All age groups

Organ or part of body involved: Facial nerves

Symptoms and indications: The entire face is paralysed, including the motion of the eyebrows or the mid face is paralysed, but eyebrow can move normally.

The person feels stiffness on the face and there is difficulty in moving the face. Normal activity like holding water in the mouth, closing the eyelids seem to be difficult and sometimes impossible. Numbness sets in the paralysis. There is loss of sensation in the face. The face becomes expressionless and motionless. Eating and drinking becomes difficult.

Causes and risk factors: About 75% of all adult facial paralysis cases are due to Bell's palsy, a condition in which the facial nerve becomes inflamed.

Stroke may cause facial paralysis. When stroke is the cause of facial paralysis, the person may still be able to close the eye on the affected side, as well as wrinkle the forehead. People with Bell's palsy cannot do either of these. With a stroke, other muscles on one side of the body may also be involved.

Facial paralysis due to a brain tumor generally develops slowly and causes headaches, seizures, or hearing loss.

In newborns, facial paralysis may result from birth trauma.

Prevention: The face must not be exposed to drastic weather conditions, especially of the cold and rain. In winter special care needs to be taken as the nerves can become numb. The whole body must be kept properly draped with a shawl during daytime and with a blanket at night.

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