
Description: A stage of recovery between the abatement of a disease or injury and complete health.

Persons most commonly affected: All age groups and both sexes.

Organ or part of body involved: All body systems.

Prevention: During convalescence, it may be beneficial to set goals for each day which will aid in your recovery. Too much bed rest in most cases isn\'t good for yo
u, particularly if you are elderly. Maintain some level of activity, even if it means just sitting or standing up occasionally. Try getting dressed and moving around the house if possible. Ensure your muscles, heart and lungs are working efficiently by gradually increasing your level of activity each day. Make sure you get enough rest. Listen to your body and alternate periods of activity with periods of relaxation. Be prepared to say \'no\' to things you can\'t cope with and visitors you don\'t want to see. Keep in touch with family and friends and maintain your social activity, even by telephone. Eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. If your appetite is poor, try eating small amounts of nutritious foods regularly. Remember that eating well is more important than eating more. As your strength returns, find time to do things you enjoy. Keep up with hobbies and aim to get out of the house regularly, even for short outings.

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